
Ch 13, Expanding the Position


This page contains four exercises found in Chapter 13, Expanding the Position, which features exercises in which a number of White pieces move up the board in concert to create or convert an advantage. The actual chapter in the book contains thirty-two exercises.

363. White is up a pawn and can rearrange his pieces on c4 and f1. Visualize the position after the moves 21 Nd61 Bxd6 22 Bc4+ Be6 23 Rf1 Qxf1+2 24 Bxf1. What is the material balance?

1 This move frees c4 for the Bishop, while White’s next move frees f1 for the Rook. 2 23...Qe5 loses to 24 Qe8+ Kh7 25 Bd3+ Bf5 26 Bxf5, when Black has to give up his Queen to avoid mate.

364. White is down a pawn. Visualize the position after the moves 26 Bf4 Qa51 27 Bb32 Qd83 28 Bd6+ Qxd6 29 cxd6. What is the material balance?

1 26...Qd8 27 Bb3 is similar. 2 Black is in a mating net and resigned here. 3 27...Nd5 28 Bd6+ also wins, e.g., a) 28...Kf7 29 Qe7+ Kg6 30 Rg1+, followed by either Qe5 or Qg5, mate, or b) 28...Kg8 29 Re8+ Kf7 30 Rf8+ Kg6 31 Bc2+ Bf5 32 Bxf5, mate.

366. White is down the exchange but has a winning position. How does White mate after the moves 29 Qd41 Ra8 30 Rg4 Qf62 31 Rg8+3 Ke7?

1 White unpins his Rook, while at the same time attacking Black’s Rook on a7. 2 30...Qe7 allows 31 Rg8, mate; 30...Qd8 allows 31 Qg7+ Ke8 32 Qf7, mate. 3 Black resigned here.

369. Capablanca wins this symmetrical position. Visualize the position after the moves 12 Bxf6 Bxf31 13 Ne7+ Kh8 14 Bxg7+ Kxg7. How does White mate in two here?

1 12...Nxf3+ 13 gxf3 Bh3 is met by 14 Qg5.


363. Tartakower-Schlechter, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1909.
364. Alekhine-Ilija, Exhibition, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1926.
366. Fedorov-Fyllingen, Aars get2net Cup GM Tournament, Aars, Denmark, 1999.
369. Capablanca-NN, New York, 1918.


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